This is a sponsored blog post in collaboration with Allergy Insider – Brought to you by Thermo Fisher Scientific.
If you ask me, there are not many negatives about the spring and summer in Sweden (apart from maybe how short it is and the unpredictable weather). However, something that gets me every year is the harsh reminder that this is allergy season. From the middle of April to the end of May every year I am tired and in a constant state of almost sneezing whenever I am outside!
From the start of March to the end of September, the trees are green, and the flowers are in full bloom. This is “magical” but also incredibly challenging for those of us cursed with hay fever. Whether to go hiking along the High Coast or to see the rapeseed fields of Skåne becomes not a question of time but a question of whether you will have the energy to do anything when you get there. It’s not only travel that is affected through – every day life takes a toll when you suffer with spring allergies. Getting up to go to work, heading outside, and even our sleep.
Sweden is among the top when it comes to hay fever sufferers in the world, yet more than 50% of people go undiagnosed. Starting with hazel almost as soon as the snow melts, there are so many different types of allergens that pop up throughout the season you might not even know you are suffering!
Tips: See which allergens are present in Sweden right now!

My Allergy Journey
My first experience with allergies doesn’t come from pollen or hay fever, it came from a house-dust mite allergy that I was diagnosed with over in late 20’s. After several years of thinking I had an ongoing cold, wondering why I was going through this constant cycle of symptoms, I finally went for an allergy test. I can’t remember who suggested it or why we even came to this conclusion, but I am so glad we did because my life changed completely after realising what the problem was! I have always suffered with cat allergies so thought I recognised the symptoms, but it was different with the house-dust mite. Rather than puffy eyes, itchy skin, and a runny nose, I was feeling drowsy with a dry throat and a constant cough so never thought to connect the two. And in case you don’t know ( and I didn’t) dust is basically a hotspot for house-dust mites so you need to choose a vacuum cleaner with strong suction.
It wasn’t until I moved to Sweden that I started experiencing a pollen allergy. This is something that is quite common as allergens in Sweden differ from those in other countries. So, if you are feeling a little different in the spring and summer and can’t work out why, or know you have an allergy but are not sure what exact pollen or grass it is then it is worth getting tested!
See more: Explore the seasonal allergy fact sheets!

How to Combat Spring/ Summer Allergies
Getting tested for an allergy is simple – all you need to do is book a visit with your local GP and get a test. If you want to know more about the different allergens, then Allergy Insider is a great place to start. It is a hub for allergy information and testing, where you can take a quiz about your symptoms or read all about the different allergens that exist on the allergen fact sheets! Rather than taking over the counter anti-histamines you can start taking a more focused approach dealing with exactly what type of plant is causing your hay fever!